Home Photos and Videos Snowboarding on glass, paper and jet engines

Snowboarding on glass, paper and jet engines

Those cray cray snowboarders are at it again, this time with jet engines.

Signal snowboards had us guffawing into our hipster glass jars wondering if we strapped bindings on them they’d make a good snowboard when they built the world’s first snowboard made of glass.

Fragile Italian Glass Snowboard: Every Third Thursday

Then they took the piss with paper and rather than rolling their own they chose to ride it instead.

Totally Disposable Paper Snowboard: Every Third Thursday

Now some British nutter called Jamie Barrow has wrapped his posh vowels around a jet engine, taking to snowy St Moritz to ride a board with a super charged jet engine.

What’s next? Being towed by a car? Oh no, Jamie did that too, and broke a record while doing it.

Jamie Barrow - World Record for fastest speed on a snowboard towed by a vehicle

What do you predict to be the next big snowboarding stunt?

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  1. Love the glass and paper snowboards but I don’t get the idea of going fast on a snowboard as they are soooo much slower than ski’s


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