Home Guest blogger 10 Signs You’re an Aussie Skier/Boarder Abroad

10 Signs You’re an Aussie Skier/Boarder Abroad

Photo credit: Shutterstock

It’s no secret that us Aussies love our snow sports and will travel far and wide to do it. You’ll find us swamping Japan and Canada (there’s a reason the new name for Whistler is Whis-tralia) and we’re starting to take over New Zealand, Korea and China too.

First of all – sorry, world.

Second of all, you know you’re a stereotypical Aussie abroad if you’ve experienced a few of these things:

1. Any snow that is softer than ice is amazing to you.

2. You regale your international friends with tales of how it got to 47 degrees last week in your home town. e.g. “It’s 40 degrees right now in Sydney.” “What, Fahrenheit?” “Nah, CELSIUS, mate.”

3. More than 1cm of snow will make you declare “It’s a powder day!” and yell “pow pow!” a lot.

4. You either look forward to a snowy Australia Day more than Christmas – or you loathe seeing your compatriots wearing Australian flags as capes and downing VB while they ski.

5. If you accidentally leave your shoes outside, you still squish the toes in case deadly spiders have taken up residence in them.

6. You’re frequently surprised at how cheap alcohol is overseas.

7. And how cheap electricity is.

8. And how cheap the housing is too.

9. You still pack a pair of shorts and thongs for snow holidays. It’s basically our national costume.

10. When you tell people you have snow in Australia – and can ski/snowboard there too – they are shocked.

Keep representing,

Little Cat


  1. I was in Canada earlier this year from Australia and went to Whistler. My Canadian instructor commented that Aussies say ‘no worries’ a lot. We do and it makes it easier to tell Aussies apart.


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