If you’ve always dreamed of working a ski season in Canada, then we’ve found the webinar for you.

The International Experience Canada (IEC) is a Government of Canada program that allows youth, aged 18-35, from IEC’s over 30 partner countries/territories (including Australia and New Zealand) to work and travel in Canada for up to two years. Best of all? A job offer is not needed to apply under the Working Holiday category.

Find out more and chat to representatives from Whistler Blackcomb, Sun Peaks Resort, Manning Park Resort, Blue Mountains Resort, Mt Tremblant and Tourism HR Canada via a live webinar this week.

The Tourism & Winter 365 Webinar is on this Wednesday at 6pm (Sydney time).

If you want to work in snow tourism, hospitality, hotel management, ski instruction or similar industries and gain coveted international work experience while exploring another country and culture, then mark this date down in your diary.

Learn from a panel of industry professionals about how to find work in the Canadian tourism, hospitality and ski industries, what to expect, what kinds of jobs are available, perks and benefits, where to find accommodation and more practical tips.

There will also be a Q&A session after the panel discussion.

Register here to both sit in live and/or receive the recording of the webinar.

*feature image Guy Paulsen, Panorama Resort

It's not lost, I found skiing's soul in British Columbia, Canada