Boom! Winter has begun in Australia’s ski resorts this weekend with snow on the ground and more to come & social media is going cray cray.

Australia’s ski resorts are reporting snow, snow, snow and more of it on social media today as the predicted pre winter snow storm settles in. Falls Creek posted this video on Instagram and almost broke the internet, ok, I exaggerate, but you get the drift (see what I did there).
Sky News reported up to a metre of snow for the week ahead and skiers and snowboarders were salivating yesterday with talk of 72cms ahead (though this has now been downgraded to over 30cms) so hold onto your Instagram hats people.
No doubt some mad folk will be strapping into rock hopper skis and snowboards to get their first turns of the 2015 season in the coming days, if they haven’t already.
Either way it’s enough to get a snow bunny hopping mad for the white stuff. Winter is definitely coming.
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