The sewage plant at Charlotte Pass Snow Resort in New South Wales has been severely damaged after a diesel fuelled fire this morning.

Fire and Rescue NSW were called to the emergency at 6.30am this morning to contain and extinguish the fire in the two level building.

The pedestrian only village of Charlotte Pass is accessed during the winter by oversnow transport vehicles from Perisher and supports hundreds of overnight skiers and staff throughout the season plus day trippers.

Owned by the Blyton Group who also count Selwyn Snow Resort in their stable, the resort is currently being assessed to determine damage and timeline to fix it.

Four fire trucks and 16 firefighters responded to the scene. No injuries were reported and there was no need for any evacuations. Two crews, using hose lines, gained control of the flames and extinguished the blaze.

We’re likely not to know the outcome for the 2024 ski season until next week.

The fire is not being treated as suspicious but an investigation into the cause is continuing.

It’s yet another challenge for the Blyton Group team after Selwyn Snow Resort burnt down in the 2020 bushfires and their 2022 season re-opening date was then delayed due to early snowfalls forcing the resort to remain closed. In 2023 the resort opened then closed early due to lack of snow.

Watch this space for updates.

Rising from the ashes: the resilience of Selwyn Snow Resort