Australia’s Ben Tudhope has finished first in the 2019/2020 Para World Cup standings for snowboard cross SB-LL2 and taking the Crystal Globe. This is his second globe after picking it up last season for banked slalom.
The two time Paralympian (and Australia’s youngest ever in Sochi) has had more than a challenging season. Tudhope’s coach, Mikko Wendelin, passed away suddenly just days before the Pyha Finland World Cup.
“All we can do now is stick as a team and ride in his name and honour his legacy,” Tudhope said before doing just that and winning double gold in both men’s SB-LL events.
“Everything I do out here is for him and he’s in my head every step of the way telling me what to do and how to ride. This is all for him. I really wanted to do him proud so to get the win today, it’s probably one of my biggest wins to date and I will treasure this moment forever” said Tudhope after the event.

Tudhope also took silver at the season opener at Landraaf in the Netherlands and double silver at the Molina, Spain events.