How one American single dad turned the traditional Christmas family photo shoot on it’s head, using skis. After seeing these pics, you’ll want this man as your father (or husband).

It is no secret that Americans LOVE a family Christmas photo that doubles as a Holiday Greetings card. We’ve all seen some shockers on the internet with matching outfits and guns, yes, guns.

But one Utah residing and ski loving father, Mike Allen, inspired his six and seven year old daughters with a Daddy daughter shoot that makes him the coolest Dad on the planet right now.

How? Skis as props, sunglasses as props, eighties ski wear as props. It’s all about skis, props and attitude, which clearly this newly divorced single dad has plenty of. As does the photographer, Chad Braithwaite from Faces Photography.

Single ski ladies, this man is single and lives near some of the best ski terrain in North America. I’ll leave you with that thought.


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